A bittersweet farewell

A poem to say goodbye to my dear island, Sint Maarten.

Sweet Sint Maarten

When cars in a dilapidated state turn into a metal jungle, next to the street

I am on my daily walk.

I see the clouds hanging between the hills and the drops fall one by one, caressing my arms

I am fully alive, all my senses are on and absorbing.

It is just a “ normal” day, but the morning light and those heartwarming vibes coloring the day bright.

People resilient and strong,

with a curiosity and relaxed way of life.

Every day is packed in a ray of sunshine.

A bright smile, a good morning

always ahead on the corner

The fruity earthy smells,

the sweet flavours and the warm hearts.

Boi I am gonne miss this..

The morning walks to work, the sunsets, the good talks and lovely people I have met, all the animals on the street.

The lushy green and friendly hills.

The ocean with her astonishing beauty.

The prettiest sunrises and endless rainbows.

Thanks for making me feel alive these past 1.5 years!

Everything is so dear, so sweet, I am gonne keep it all close to my heart,

So no tears,

but with a heart full bittersweet memories, wisdom and experience.

I shall continue my path.

Another new journey is waiting for me.

Bye my sweet Sint Maarten, till we meet again!

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